The sidewalls were the first parts I have build for my Boeing 737-800 cockpit. When you are starting such a big project it isn't easy to know where to start. So I was very happy that I could use the plans of Vidar Fagerjord. These are excellent references for your build and they come even with a full cutting plan.
He has removed the plans from his website but he has given me the permission to add them to my downloads so I can make them available to you. Please keep in mind that these are free plans and you are not allowed to sell them anywhere.
Dear Mickey,
I’m a regular gay out of the area ‘Montferland’ in the East of the Netherlands. I’m amazed about all You have achieved with your mega-Project! and that you also make it ‘easy’ possible for all who are interested! Well it will take me a hole lot of time to accomplish this Project because of the spare money that i can use within time. But that is no problem with me to partial start with this project. I’m a good 3D Sketch-up designer in my free-time. I spend yesterday evening till this morning 9:30 to watch your video’s the night true. Oh, and its very nice, clear and comfortable to follow your Video’s and explanations! Wauw!
Watching my videos the whole night? OK, better than drinking the whole night. 🙂 Nice to hear that I’ve catched you.