Window frame installation

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9 Responses to Window frame installation

  1. Ian McGregor says:

    Hi Mickey,

    Love these videos. I know it’s been a while since you fitted the window frame, but can you remember how much you reduced the edge of the glareshield by to allow the frame clearance?

    • Mickey says:

      I didn’t shorten the glareshield because the width is correct but I extended the window frame by approximately 10cm. You can see the final length in the sketchup file of the window frame.

      • Ian McGregor says:

        The measurement I am referring to is 1:46 – 2.05 of this video you trimmed the back edge of the glareshield. Can you remember how much material you removed?

        • Mickey says:

          Now I know which trimming you mean. No I don’t know it exactly. It was a triangular stripe. Approximately 2 cm at the front corner. I think you don’t need to be too exact because the glare shield will be covered with leather and the window frame will get a foam cover too. So there will be enough material to hide transition.

          • Ian McGregor says:

            Great thanks Mickey.

            Much appreciated and once again, love your build and videos.

  2. Louis Warnell says:

    Hi Mickey great work! My question is how much did you reduce the angle by for the side windows? Thanks

  3. Sam says:

    As an enthusiast at the beginning of building my own 737 cockpit, these videos are some of the best I have seen on the internet. Really descriptive and informational, keep up the good work. What I love most about building a cockpit is that it involves craftsmanship, electronics and a passion for flying, the quality of your builds so far is something I am aiming to match.

    Are you planning to complete the cockpit structure first before starting on any of the electronics?

    • Mickey says:

      Thanks for your comment.
      Yes the plan is to do most of the cockpit structure first and then starting with the panels. To make these I’m planning to build a CNC-Router. But this is a far future. Maybe, if the channel keeps on growing, I can find a producer as a sponser for the panels.

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