Chartholder and Armrest

Color used: RAL 7011


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10 Responses to Chartholder and Armrest

  1. Nic says:

    Hi Michael, when I try to download the 2017 SketchUp version of the chartholder, I get a “Download not available.txt” file. Is it meant to be like this?

  2. Jan Willem says:

    Like your video’s because I do quite a few things in my cockpit with wood also.

    Great work, but you have an awesome carpentershop (which I don’t).

    A couple of questions if I may.
    Can you supply me with the exact measurements of the metal plate underneath the window handle? Also, I cannot hear clearly (due to the music) what the thickness is of the metal.

    I several video’s when glueing parts together, I see that you use glue on one part but a spray on the other. What is this spray?

    What kind of filler and putty do you use for MDF?


    • Mickey says:

      I used a 0.75 mm sheet of metal.
      If I want to glue small parts, which would be difficult to clamp or if I don’t want to wait for a glue to dry, I’m using a two component glue. It is an instant adhesive combined with an activator (the liquid glue and the activator as a spray). I saw this in some american videos on youtube and a few month ago I found this the first time here in germany. I’m using a product from a group called Roxolid.
      I’m using wood fillers. I think you will find similar products in your hardware store. A fine one to hide smallest gaps and wooden structure and a thicker one if I have to close bigger gaps. There are special MDF fillers but I haven’t found something like taht in my store.

      • Jan Willem says:

        Thank you. I will look for this two component glue here in Holland.
        Could you specify the dimensions (WxH) and angles of the different sides of the metal plate?

        • Mickey says:

          I have modeled this in the corresponding sketchup file. You can just download the file and open it in sketchup. Then you can use the measure tool to get all the dimensions you need. I’m planning to do a tutorial how you can to this. For all who are not familiar with sketchup.

          • Jan Willem says:

            Maybe a pdf-file is easier for you (and us?) than making a complete tutorial. I tried sketchup but got swamped by e-mails and the trial version ended after some weeks.
            Thanks in advance.

          • Mickey says:

            Sorry, but that is not easier for me. For most of the things I build I make a sketchup drawing first. So I have to do the model anyway. Producing a pdf would come with adding measurements and making screenshots so that you can see every measurement clearly. Sketchup does not have a trial period except the pro version. So everyone can alsways download the models and take the measuremnts he needs.

  3. Excellent work I would like to have the blueprints of the pieces that you do since when you download the files there is an error greetings Mickey

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