Mounting the Overhead frame

I used carriage bolts to build a turning axis for both frames. The lower frame is then secured with a 8 mm screw. I think you should design a bigger handle for the screw to make the opening process more easy. The upper frame is hold in place by two latches which are locking into the ceiling frame.

Materials used:

  • 6mm carriage bolts
  • 8mm screws
  • latches
  • 6mm washers
  • threaded dowels
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2 Responses to Mounting the Overhead frame

  1. Les Trickerr says:

    Hi Mickey
    I am a retired old engineer trying to build a 737ngx cockpit.
    If it is not to much trouble would you please email my all the plans etc that you have.
    I would be very grateful

    • Mickey says:

      Sorry, after a crash of my PC and because of all the different projects I’m doing, the best sorted place to get the plans is this website. You always find the corresponding plans to the actual step.

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