NAV Panel

NAV Panel - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #69

We are coming to the next panel with a professional made pcb. This time the navigation panel of the pedestal. And again there was a lot to learn during the build. This time it was very important to look up the FSUIPC offset documentation because nearly all of the used offsets are "official" declared ones that are written down in the documentation. Using these saved me a lot of offsets that I can use later for other devices.

Used materials:

  • 3mm transparent and white acrylic
  • 3mm smoked acrylic
  • 1 dual rotary encoder (see the corresponding video)
  • 1 black push button
  • 4 15 mm hex stand offs
  • LED stripes for backlighting mounted on a HDF plate
  • 3mm HDF plate

For the pcb:

  • 1 pcb (see attached gerber files)
  • 10 7-segment displays common cathode (7,5 x 14 mm)
  • 2 MAX7219 ICs
  • 2 10k ohm resistors
  • 2 0,1 µF capacitors
  • 1 510 ohm resistor for the 12V backlighted button
  • 1 6 mm tactile button

In the download file you will find all the needed files to cut out and engrave your own panel as well as the gerber files to create or order your own pcb as well as the 3D files for the button and the spacers.

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4 Responses to NAV Panel

  1. Mark says:

    are these transfer buttons made of thicker material then the panels ?
    They don’t look as if they are 3mm thick.
    Or did you glue several panels on top of each other ?



  2. Graeme Moir says:

    Hi Mickey,
    I’m building the NAV panel to be followed by the COM, ADF and transponder panels. I have just received the PCB’s from the factory in China and now waiting for the 7 segment displays. I just realized that I don’t have a wiring diagram for the connector on the board so I don’t know what all the wires are for. Can you give me a diagram please?
    Many thanks,

    • Mark says:

      You will find the wiring diagram and all needed information when you sign up for the member section.


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