Building glarewing annunciators - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #36
Today the first selfmade electronic components were installed into the cockpit. I made two sets of annunciators (master caution and fire warning) as well as the recall annunciators. In the linked package you will find everything you need to print out your own annunciators and cut out and engrave the needed signs. I used PLA for 3D printing and the signs were cut out from 3mm acrylic (red, yellow and transparent). I think the transparent one isnt the best for this job so you should try to find a translucent one.
Hi Mikey,
i’have a k40 laser to engrave but I cannot open the file e10 because im using Mac, I’ve already made all the 3d print and fixed buttons and leds I missing the engraving for the 6pack captain, any suggestions?
Thank You. Take care.
Thank You!
Hi Mickey
Thank you for all the things you are sharing. I follow you with great interest and each new video is appreciated.
I only use Fusion 360 for my work and it woud be great if you could share the dxf version for the text engraving files (For the annunciators too…).
Best Regards
When i try to engrave this in estlcam it comes out like 3 times smaller than it supposed to be, am i missing something?
Check that you are using mm and not inches as units.
Hi Mike,
You use two types of paint to paint the letters. My English is not something bright, so I don’t understand what you used for that purpose. What do you use to paint engraved letters so perfectly?
To fill the letters I used black and white wax.—Zubehoer/Farbstifte-zum-ausfuellen-einer-Gravur-mit-Farbe–Gravur-Farbfuellung-.html
Thank you Mike!
Hi Mike,
A quick question about the .e10 file format (the Capt /FO ENGRAVE)
Would it be possible to have them in another format like .dxf. The reason is that since I dont have a CNC Machine I would need to order these and companies dont accept .e10 formats.
Thanks Mike
Hi Mike,
How do you open .e10 files?
You can Open them with Estlcam.