MIP Bottom Frame

MIP Bottom Frame - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #76

My longest design period ever has finally come to an end. The MIP is a 1,5 m panel of the cockpit with lots of different components in it. But one the most challenging things is just the size of this part. If I would split it into several pieces there is the risk of running into some weak spots. Like all my other panels I want to make the maintenance as easy as possible. And so the cutouts for the different panel sections have to be bigger which can reduce the stiffness of the acrylic.

So it was clear for me that I want to cut out the whole panel in one piece to come out with as much stiffness as possible. I will show you the steps needed and the requirements on your hardware.

Used materials:

  • 3 mm transparent or other acrylic
  • Wooden bars

In the download file you will find all the needed files to cut out your own panel as well as the 3D files for the printed parts. You will also find a drawing with all the needed holes and counter borings.

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3 Responses to MIP Bottom Frame

  1. Bruce Friedman says:

    Hi Mickey. Great design as always. I was just wondering the number of and what size monitors you plan to use for the MIP?

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