Using MobiFlight with Prosim737 - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #35
Hello guys, finally a new technical episode and a new concept behind all this electronic stuff.
I decided to use MobiFlight for a while instead of writing a connection software for the arduino myself. You can find out everything about the reasons in the video. I have to say that the connection with MobiFlight is very stable and easy to configure. You have to keep in mind that the software doesn't synchronize the positions of your hardware switches with the switches in the simulator so you have to check these yourself before you start MobiFlight.
Now I have to get some more Arduino Megas to keep them installed in my simulator.
Hi Mickey, do you have the Mobiflight configuration file we can import for download?
Hey Mickey,
quick question, how many arduinos have you used so far?
Right now I’m using 14 Arduino Megas. But I think I can reduce the number a little bit by redesigning some parts and use multiplexers and shift registers.
Hey Mickey
First of all, great respect for what you are doing here! really great !!! Now to my problem, which other users may also have – I want to connect a CP-Flight landing gear lever with two switches to the ProSim737 “V1.52” via Mobiflight Mega 2560 and don’t know how to do it. The LEDs for the annuciators run via Phidgets cards to the MIP (should stay that way). So far I had connected the lever to ProSim via Pokeys cards (LAN) and now wanted to convert it for optimization reasons
Can you help ? (SORRY my english …)
You are talking about many components I’m not familiar with. So I can only give you the advice to have a look to my Prosim and MobiFlight video if you want to use the Mega. I think this should work for you. And you have to enable the FSUIPC drive in Prosim so that the devices can communicate via this way.
Hallo Mickey,
I have questions, how to set announciator? And is there RTO or autobrake setting in latest ProSim?
Yes, all the settings for the annunciators and switches can be found in the “Landing Gear” category.
Maybe it fault of a driver or somewhat like this… I’ve seen many videos on youtube and i didn’t find nothing. So then i found your blog. Sorry about how i wrote but i don’t know more what can i do. It’s on you… Thank you until now.
And sorry my English. Hope you understand.
Helo good morning, i want to conect an 737 CDU arduino to prosim, so how can i do this?
Can you send me a video explain the connections, i would be happy for this… Because i have an engravity prosim Cdu and it doesn’t work… It starting and then going to standby power a few seconds later.
Please please please???? help me.
Sorry, I haven’t done anything concerning the CDU until now. And especially this problem doesen’t sound like a general Prosim problem. First of all you should try to find something about this in your manual of the CDU. As a next step I would try to search in the prosim forum or start a new topic. If you can’t find help I would try to contact your support at engravity.
Hallo Michael,
habe gerade Dein Video über Mobiflight angesehen. Sehr aufschlussreich, ich liebäugele nämlich auch mit einer Arduino-Karte…
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