Closing the sidewall

I closed and finished the lower part of the sidewall. The working steps were always the same for every part I did. Making a rough paper template, fitting it to the gap, tranfering the shape to 10 mm MDF, chanfering the edges and fixing it. I realized that both sidewalls came out with a little bit different measurements. So I had to cut the parts individual for both sidewalls. And this is the reason why it doesn't make sense to create plans for this working step. Your sidewalls will have different measurements too and you will have your individual templates.

But I've made a set of pictures from the parts.

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6 Responses to Closing the sidewall

  1. Amir says:

    Hey, was für eine Art von Holz benützt du?
    LG Amir

  2. Wie heißt das Mittelchen, mit dem du die Lücken schließt? Ist das von Molto?

    • Mickey says:

      Ich hatte an der Quater Sill Lining zunächst einen 2-Komponenten Polyesterspachtel verwendet. Das Zeug stank aber so schlimm, dass ich mich nach etwas anderem umgesehen habe. Ich verwende jetzt für alle Spachtelarbeiten Acrylic One. Ich gehe in diesem Artikel darauf ein: Lower Sidewall

  3. David C says:

    Hi Mickey, I recently made a set of sidewalls for a customer using your video as a guide – it was immensely helpful, so I want to say thanks for that! I’m curious about your nail gun, what brads/nails are you using and did you have many problems with splitting the MDF?

    • Mickey says:

      There are really people buying woodcrafted handmade sidewalls? This must be a really expensive order when I think of all the hours I had to invest. But good to know I could help you.
      I’m using the brads from Prebena. Splitting MDF was really never a problem. You can get it to splitting when you nail at an angle and at a corner of a piece but I always tried to avoid this.

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