Closing the ceiling

The ceiling frame was covered with stripes made of 3mm HDF. These stripes can be bend and twisted what makes it easy to cover the wooden frame with an organic looking skin. The stripes were covered with glass cloth and Aclylic One. The code of the paint I used is RAL 9002.

The layers in detail:

  1. Wooden stripes
  2. A1 + Thixotrope A
  3. Glass Cloth
  4. A1 + Thixotrope A
  5. A1 + Thixotrop B
  6. A1 + ATP Powder
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4 Responses to Closing the ceiling

  1. Josef says:

    Hi Mike by any chance did you had a look at the file for the dimentions?

  2. Josef Zammit says:

    Thanks Mike

  3. Josef Zammit says:

    Hi Mike,

    Would it be possible if you could include the measurements and angles for this file:
    Ceiling Frame Sketchup 2017


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