Connecting the Flight- and Navigation panel to Prosim - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #40
After a big cable session the both panels are connected to the arduino. At the moment they are soldered directly to a schield on the arduino mega but in the future the connection should be made via a plug so I can remove them easily from the overhead frame in case of any maintenance operations. To document my settings I have made an excel sheet where I write down all the needed informations for Prosim and MobiFlight. You can download the sheet on this site and use it as a guide for your own panels.
If you get any errors you should check your setup for the most common mistakes:
- MobiFlight isn't in Run mode
- Output or input not activated in MobiFlight
- Bad soldering connection
- Cable connected to the wrong pin or device
- Wrong bit masked in MobiFlight
- Wrong offset used
- Wrong Pin designed in MobifFight
- Wrong offset or mask assigned in Prosim
- The same offset and mask is used multiple times in Prosim
michel ben bu planlardan istıyorum ama turkıyede yasadıgım için ödeme sıkıntısı var
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