Fuel Panel

Fuel Panel - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #47

My first gauge panel is finished. This time - the fuel panel. I hesitated for a long time to make this panel beacuse of the two colored top plate. But after the experience with the hydraulics panel I wasn't afraid any more. But there is still little detail that can be done better.

Because of the size of unpainted areas of the middle panel much light can reach the top panel. And because of the translucence of this panel it shines very bright in the dark. I have to find a way to prevent the light from getting to areas where it shouldn't be. I'm planning to paint the back of the front panel black and engrave the areas where the light should be later. With this methode I don't need to disassemble the annunciators and switches for painting.

Used materials:

  • 6 big ON-OFF switches
  • 8 yellow annunciators
  • 5 blue and white annunciators
  • 1 8 Position rotary switch
  • The fuel gauge we have built before
  • 3mm white and transparent acrylic
  • 4 15 mm hex standoffs
  • LED stripes for backlighting mounted on a HDF plate

In the download package you will find the DXF files to cut out and engrave your own panel as well as the 3D print file for the crossfeed knob.

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2 Responses to Fuel Panel

  1. Randy Shuya says:

    Hey Mickey , what throw is on the rotary switch that you used for the furl crossfeed please. Is it 45 degrees? I was wondering if a 90 degree would be better? Your thoughts?
    Thank you,
    Randy Shuya

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