Dual needle gauge

Dual Needle Gauge - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #49

After I have built my first single needle gauges I now made a next step forward to the "Duct Pressure Gauge" - a dual needle gauge. This time with the help of my laser I was able to design some filigrane needles and angraved and filled them with the wax method. This gauge will be part of my pneumatic system panel.

Materials used:

  • 3mm clear and white acrylic
  • 4mm acrylic shaft
  • 7mm acrylic tube
  • 2 servo motors
  • 4 female and male hex standoffs
  • LED stripes for backlighting

In the download package you will find all the files you need to cut out all the needed acrylic parts at home.

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4 Responses to Dual needle gauge

  1. Martin Styles says:

    Hi Mickey
    Would you confirm the dimensions of the 7mm acrylic tube please. I assume 7mm refers to the OD with an ID of 5mm and the 4mm acrylic rod runs inside the tube. Is that correct?

  2. Graeme Moir says:

    Hi Mickey,

    I downloaded the files for this gauge and now trying to fabricate it. Unfortunately, I am unable to extrude the drawings for both needles to make a solid body in Fusion 360. I have no difficulty doing this for the other components. Can you help?

    Graeme Moir

    • Mickey says:

      Thank you for the advice. The outlines of the needle drawing weren’t closed completely and fusion seemed to have some problems with the inner circle too. I have made some tests now and updated the files. With the new dxf files for the two needles it should work.

      • Graeme Moir says:

        Hi Mickey,
        Many thanks, that fixed it. Appreciate the work you’re doing here for all of us builders, great job!


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