Weather Panel - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #68
The weather panel, the next panel section for my Boeing 737-800 pedestal, is again a good choice if you are looking for a panel to start with when you are building your own pedestal at home. Just some simple components are needed for this control unit.
Used materials:
- 3mm transparent and white acrylic
- 1 12 position rotary switch
- 2 potentiometers
- 3 15 mm hex stand offs
- LED stripes for backlighting mounted on a HDF plate
- 3mm HDF plate
In the download files you will find all the needed files to cut out and engrave your own panel as well as the 3D files for the knobs.
Hello Mickey
I’ve just watched you build your wx radar panel and thank you for the really useful configuration info. I’ve had a dummy panel in my pedestal for years and now want to wire it up after a 737 pilot friend commented on the tilt displayed on the ND.
One thing that’s struck me about your build is the backlighting method you employ. How are you going to connect up every panel to the power lines please? I’m imagining an absolute mess of wiring but also suspect you have a plan as the rest of your build is really neatly executed.
I’ve used 12v self adhesive led strip run up and down along the support beams on both my pedestal and fwd O/H. These strips are controlled by dimmer switches.