Lights panel & engine start switches - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #55
The lights panel could be a really easy panel but there are these self returning start switches integrated. There are different ways to build these. Some builders use solenoid switches and others use a servo motor which was also the way I have choosen.
Because the room behind this panel is very small, I couldn't build my backlighting panel as I always did it and it had to be mounted on the backside of the overhead frame of this section.
Used materials:
- 3mm transparent and white acrylic
- 11 big ON-OFF switches
- 2 big ON-OFF-ON switches
- 1 small ON-OFF-MOM switch
- 2 12-position rotary switches
- LED stripes for backlighting mounted on a HDF plate
- 3mm HDF plate
- 2 servo motors
- 2 springs
In the download file you will find all the needed files to cut out and engrave your own panel as well as the new 3D files for the light switches and the start switches.
Hi Mickey,
at the moment I am checking out your ‘Overheadpanel-video’s’. I have plans to extend my own flightdeck with an overhead-panel.
My question is: the offset values that you use, are these for a certain simulator, or are they global. I am using P3Dv4.5 and wonder if these offsets will work.
Bet regards,
Yes, these offsets will work with P3D. Just waschen my MobiFlight introduction video where I explain which offset ranges you can use.
Hi, Thanks for your swift reply. I will further look into it and also subscribe as a member.
Still, I am a bit confused as the numbers don’t seem to match.
For instance your offset for the Logo Light switch is 66E4, where my PMDG documentation says 64FF…?
Hey Mickey could you share the file for the hold servo and switch? I downloaded but the file is not there.
Hello sir, why are you saying that you can download the blueprints and files on this side, but you actually have to buy it for 45€. Its kind of misleading because “download” and “can be found” sounds like its free. It would be better if you change the discription on the YT videos to like “you can buy all files and blueprints on my webside” So everyone knows its payed.
If you want I can send you an almost complete overhead made in FreeCad, the files are in DXF and can be cut in Estlcam. If you have FreeCad then you can check out these panels. I use free software that you can download as well. One panel has two holes too big (my mistake) but it doesn’t matter. Let me know if you are interested, I will be happy to help. My e-mail:
That is very friendly from you, but I have finished my overhead now and so I’m not in need anymore for design files.
Hello Mike,
I have a question, to power the LEDs of the annunciators in the overhead, do you only use the current from the arduino board or do you have an external power supply? can you give me some info for the installation of the leds? can you tell me what resistance value you use to power the leds
Thank you.
I power the LEDs just from the arduino. The installation is shown in detail in my video #37 where I build the annunciators. The value of the resitsor depends on the LED you are using. In my case I use 100 or 150 ohm resistors depending on the color. You find the needed values in my connection sheet which is free to download on my download page.
Thanks a lot, always kind and helpful.
kind regards.