Cabin Pressure Panel

Cabin Pressure Panel - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #65

It is done!

With the cabin pressure panel, the last segment has found its way to my homemade overhead panel. And with it my third self designed pcb. You can't imagine how happy I was the moment the seven segment displays lighted up.

This was also the first time I used rotary encoders on a panel. They worked really well and the configuration in MobiFlight and Prosim was very easy.

The only tricky part was the layout of the backlighting panel. You have to keep an eye on the components of the pcb to avoid any collisions with the LED strips or the cabeling. I managed this on my third try.

Materials used:

  • 3mm transparent and white acrylic
  • 3mm smoked acrylic
  • 1 12 position rotary switch
  • 2 rotary encoders
  • 1 big (ON) - OFF - (ON) switch
  • 1 servo motor
  • 4 15 mm hex stand offs
  • 4 30 mm hex stand offs
  • 4 mm acrylic rod
  • 1 switch cap
  • LED stripes for backlighting mounted on a HDF plate
  • 3mm HDF plate
  • 10 seven segment displays

For the pcb:

  • 1 pcb (see attached gerber files)
  • 10 7-segment displays common cathode (7,5 x 14 mm)
  • 2 MAX7219 ICs
  • 2 10k resistors
  • 2 0,1 µF capacitors

In the download file you will find all the needed files to cut out and engrave your own panel as well as the gerber files to create or order your own pcb and some additional documentations as well as the 3D files for the knobs and the spacers.

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6 Responses to Cabin Pressure Panel

  1. Bala Ramalan says:

    Hello Mickey,

    Well done and keep up the good work.

    Is it possible to buy the PCB with the 7 segments installed from you?

    Thank you


  2. Graeme Moir says:

    Hi Mickey,
    I am having some difficulty trying to generate a file for engraving the faceplate. Normally I just import the file into Lightburn and it works no problem but in this case when I import I am bringing in ALL the DFX files in the package. I don’t know how to isolate only the faceplate drawing file. I cannot isolate it in Fusion 360 either. Can you help please?


    • Mickey says:

      In Lightburn you can select all the parts that you don’t want to cut and delete them or move them outside of your working area. Only let the faceplate stay on your working area. Now you can to all the settings for your engraving.

  3. Marco Boßmann says:

    Darf ich fragen, wo man die 7 Segment Anzeigen bekommt? Ich kann sie nirgends finden. Hast du einen oder mehrere Links dazu?

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