COM Panel

COM Panel - A Boeing 737-800 Homecockpit #71

The COM panel was an already good known build process after the finishing of the NAV and ADF panel. When it came to the configuration this time it was possible to write into the "official" offset of the standby frequency directly so there was no need of additional offsets for this.

If you are interested in a detailed documentation of the configuration you can watch the corresponding live-stream where I show all the steps that are needed to get this panel running.

Used materials:

  • 3mm transparent and white acrylic
  • 3mm smoked acrylic (for example Plexiglas 7C83)
  • 1 dual rotary encoder (see the corresponding video)
  • 1 black push button
  • 4 15 mm hex stand offs
  • LED stripes for backlighting mounted on a HDF plate
  • 3mm HDF plate

For the pcb:

  • 1 pcb (see attached gerber files)
  • 12 7-segment displays common cathode (7,5 x 14 mm)
  • 2 MAX7219 ICs
  • 2 10k ohm resistors
  • 2 0,1 µF capacitors
  • 1 510 ohm resistor for the 12V backlighted button
  • 1 6 mm tactile button

In the download file you will find all the needed files to cut out and engrave your own panel as well as the gerber files to create or order your own pcb as well as the 3D files for the button and the spacers.

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17 Responses to COM Panel

  1. Kacper Nowotynski says:

    Hi Mickey, I need your advice one more time. I have built and wired the com panel, I hooked it up to the Arduino and mobiflight but I cannot get anything to display except 8s across the LEDs. I am working with PMDG and wasp plugin. I have attempted prosim trial version but I am getting same results. should I be looking as a hardware issue or software?

    Thank you again for any pointers.

  2. Kacper Nowotynski says:

    Hi, it says 1 510 ohm resistor for the 12V backlighted button but if you open the pdf file and look at the wiring diagram, it shows 475. Can you tell me which one is the correct one?

  3. Bruce Friedman says:

    Hello Mickey – Awesome work! Just wondering if you have any of the PCB’s left/ If you do not, also wondering where you had them made… thanks Bruce

  4. RAOUL Jean Paul says:

    Hello Mickey. I have a big problem in the programming of MobiFlight and I can’t figure out where the problem comes from. Everything I connect to the output works fine with offsets. But when I connect a switch to an input, Ex: MCP AT Arm and when I activate the switch nothing happens I could try several offsets but nothing happens. I even tried your offsets, nothing either. I entered the FSUIPC offsets correctly but it does not work. Could it be from my Arduino board, or bad programming??? Thank you for your help.

    • Mickey says:

      Sorry for the late answer. Maybe you have already solved your problem. It is not easy to tell you what is wrong, because there can be too many reasons. First I would check if the action is recognized by MobiFlight.
      The device is declared and when you activate the debug mode in Mobiflight then it should say that a switch is used when you do an action with the switch.
      If not, then there is a hardwareproblem or the device isn’t declared correctly.
      If it says “no configuration found” then you have to declare an input configuration for this switch.
      If this is all OK then you should check if you are using the same offset in MobiFlight and Prosim (if you are using Prosim).
      And my favorit problem – check, if you are using the offset already at another configuration so that you have a conflict.

  5. RAOUL Jean Paul says:

    Hi Mickey, for quite a while now I have been following your videos with great attention on Youtube, and this interests me a lot. That’s why I subscribed to your site. I’m building a Cockpit 737 right now. I’m from Reunion Island. Also I just watched your video for COM and I see in your video you show a list of addresses for simulator orders. Could you please tell me where you got it. Thanks in advance.

    • Mickey says:

      Do you mean the part lists here on the website? Most of the electronic parts come from aliexpress. You can also find ebay sellers but most of the parts are shipped from china.

      • RAOUL Jean Paul says:

        Hello Mikey, and thank you for your response. But it’s not these addresses that I was talking about, excuse me, but those that are in the background of your video, these addresses used to connect Mobiflight to prosim. Moreover the part of the video where we see these addresses are at 5:22 mn. Otherwise for example at 5:22 we see behind you a list of addresses for com1: 05C4 4 Active COM1 Frequency in Hz…

  6. dennis lander says:

    hello mickey

    i see two versions 7 – segments the 0.56 C-C or the 0.56 C-A
    wich one i need , or have you a site where i can buy.

    thx dennis

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